Looking for rental assistance?
Renters and landlords can find out what emergency rental assistance covers, how it works, and who’s eligible on the interagency housing portal hosted by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
Example forms
Not all tenants will have access to or will be able to submit the documentation typically used to verify employment, household income, loss of income, or rental obligation in the ERA application. It also may be the case that a landlord is unwilling to cooperate with a documentation request. To ensure that assistance is made available to all who qualify, Treasury guidance has indicated that written attestation is an appropriate means for satisfying documentation requirements for emergency rental assistance.
Commitment Letter
Security deposit approval letter
Letter of Intent
Dependent care hardship
Financial distress certification
Zero income
Landlord agreements with additional protections for tenants
Housing provider agreement
Landlord and tenant agreement
Landlord application
Landlord certification
Rental Obligation
Landlord/tenant relationship and rent owed
Landlord/tenant relationship and rent owed
Lease summary
Roommate certification
Tenant self-certification of lease
Multiple certifications
Household income, lease, unemployment eligibility, and reduction in household income
Income, housing status, financial hardship, rent payment amount, and utility arrears
Rental obligation, financial impact, housing impact, and income qualification