Medicaid Renewals Playbook

Manual Renewal Workshops


This Mural is an example that can be used for leading manual renewal workshops.

Manual Renewal Workshop #1

When: Usually Wednesday of the on-site.

Who: The civic technology team, state staff, and vendors (if applicable).

This workshop typically lasts 90 minutes, and is focused on getting policy and prioritization alignment on manual renewal opportunities.

Run of Show

Prior to the Workshop

Populate the Mural with opportunities identified during research and conversations with Navigators. Add as many quotes, screenshots, and artifacts as possible. It can often be the case that state staff have not had the opportunity to witness the renewal process from an enrollee or Navigator perspective; this is their opportunity!

For each opportunity, document to the fullest extent possible:


For each opportunity identified:

If there are action items or data pulls that need to be performed, capture them and assign owners.

Manual Renewals Workshop #2

When: Usually Thursday of the on-site.

Who: The civic technology team, state staff, and vendors (if applicable).

This workshop typically lasts 90 minutes, and is focused on determining ownership and implementation plans for agreed-upon solutions.

Run of Show

Prior to the Workshop

Populate the Mural with any additional information gained after the first workshop. Solutions should start getting detailed at this stage, to the point where action items are beginning to emerge.


For each opportunity identified: