# Step Indicator

# Basic Usage

A step indicator updates users on their progress through a multi-step process.

  1. completed not completed
  2. completed not completed
  3. completed not completed

Step 2 of 5 Household status

Test it!

        'Personal information', 
        'Household status', 
        'Supporting documents', 
        'Review and submit']"

# Labels

You can opt to display the page labels.

  1. Personal information
  2. Household status
  3. Supporting documents completed not completed
  4. Signature completed not completed
  5. Review and submit completed not completed

Step 2 of 5 Household status

<us-step-indicator :step="step" :steps="steps" :show-labels="true"/>

# Step Numbers

Display the the step numbers.

  1. Personal information
  2. Household status
  3. Supporting documents completed not completed
  4. Signature completed not completed
  5. Review and submit completed not completed

Step 2 of 5 Household status

  1. completed not completed
  2. completed not completed
  3. completed not completed

Step 2 of 5 Household status

<us-step-indicator :step="step" :steps="steps" :show-labels="true" :show-step-numbers="true"/>
<us-step-indicator :step="step" :steps="steps" :show-labels="false" :show-step-numbers="true"/>

# Sizes

Change the step number sizes with the size prop.

  1. completed not completed
  2. completed not completed
  3. completed not completed

Step 2 of 5 Household status

  1. completed not completed
  2. completed not completed
  3. completed not completed

Step 2 of 5 Household status

<us-step-indicator size="sm" :step="step" :steps="steps" :show-step-numbers="true" :show-labels="false"/>
<us-step-indicator size="lg" :step="step" :steps="steps" :show-step-numbers="true" :show-labels="false"/>

# Center Labels

Center the step labels with a center-labels prop.

  1. Personal information
  2. Household status
  3. Supporting documents completed not completed
  4. Signature completed not completed
  5. Review and submit completed not completed

Step 2 of 5 Household status

<us-step-indicator :step="step" :steps="steps" :center-labels="true" :show-labels="true" />

# Component Reference

# <us-step-indicator>

# Properties

Property Type Default Description
show-labels boolean false Show page title labels
center-labels boolean false Center page title labels
show-step-numbers boolean false Show the page step numbers
size string 'sm' The size of the page step numbers, can be 'sm' or 'lg'
step number 0 The current step (0 referenced)
steps array null An array of step titles, can be a simple array of strings or array of objects with a title key
Last Updated: 10/16/2020, 3:37:05 PM